Magium is a D&D inspired text-based game.
Here, we play as Barry, who is an ordinary guy, except for the fact that his lifelong dream has been to become a mage.
The game consists of a stat system, where you receive points at some intervals which can be invested in various stats.
This walkthrough is called Brawler because here Barry can fight all possible opponents.
This walkthrough also includes the Leila romance path.
I have also added the achievements which can be unlocked while following this path. Other achievements can be found in the Ideal walkthrough and Average Joe walkthrough posts.
- Choose to show yourself. [Achievement: Who are you calling a coward?]
- Imply that I'm the one who destroyed the city of Olmnar.
- Tell Daren that you are an ordinary human, this will be helpful in the fight in Chapter 2.
- Tell Daren that you were forced into it.
- Choose to fight the younger mage yourself. (requires 1 point in Combat Technique) [Achievement: Martial arts master]
- Ask Kate for an ice dagger.
- Use the hilt of the dagger to knock out the man
- Use the crossbow, but try not to kill them. (requires 2 points in Combat Technique)
- Choose to kill every single one of the crossbowmen.
- Stat Check - Strength Lv1, Barry will think about using a tree as a weapon.
- Stat Check - Strength Lv3, Barry will pick up the tree, thus providing an additional option for attacking the crossbowmen.
- Try to aim the crossbow while moving. (requires 3 points in Combat Technique)
- Go for the crossbowmen first.
- Pressure the man into telling you where he's hiding the rest of his gold.
- Spare his life.
- Propose a different trade.
- Try to defeat Cutthroat Dave. (requires 3 points in Strength)
- Attempt to knock him out.
- Tell Daren the truth. [Achievement: Admitted liar]
- When you hear the woman screaming, choose to ignore her.
- Choose "We only did what anyone else would have done in our stead." [Achievement: Shameless]
- Choose "Why did the Creator disappear?".
- Do not secure the backpack.
- Choose "I'm still available, if that's what you're asking."
- Choose "Why aren't the people rebelling against the nobles?".
- Ask Eiden what's so special about being a stat device wielder.
- Make a plan before engaging the dragon.
- Cast just protection from fire.
- Ask Daren for his sword.
- Stat Check - Strength Lv4, you will inflict injury to Tyrath.
- Stat Check - Reflexes Lv4, you will survive Tyrath's attack.
- Use acid on the sword.
- Tap the magical transceiver three times, without letting her notice.
- Choose "Rose can wait until we're safely out of here."
- Choose to watch the fight.
- Casually walk up to the white mage and attempt to intimidate him. [Achievement: Violence is not the answer]
- Fight the golems head on. (requires 3 points in Strength and 3 points Combat Technique) [Achievement: Golem crusher]
- Accept the challenge. (requires 3 points in Reflexes, 4 points in Combat Technique and 2 points in Strength) [Achievement: Defeated Hadrik]
- Give Azarius a vague answer that doesn't tell him anything useful.
- Choose "What are sacred woods?"
- Choose "Perfect! Then let's not waste any more time here."
- Tell Hadrik to ignore Kate and Flower and to smash through the wall. (requires 2 points in Reflexes)
- Choose "Why? Did the lessathi ask you to?"
- Take the path marked with a dragonfly.
- Ask her about the sacred chalice.
- Agree with Kate's plan.
- Ignore Arraka.
- Stat Check - Reflexes Lv3, you will evade the ogre's attack.
- Throw down your weapons. [Achievement: A wise decision]
- Don't touch anything.
- Choose to maintain your position along with Rose and Kate.
- Wait for Arraka to locate the trap.
- Let someone else volunteer for the job.
- Stat Check - Speed Lv3, you will kill a wolf.
- Give Kate your dagger and help her by throwing rocks at the wolves (requires 3 points in Strength)
- Let them be.
- Say nothing.
- Ask Eiden for the power to attack the noble, so I can save the girl.
- Tell him to get out of here and to leave the slave with us.
- Choose "No, that was a spur of the moment thing. Don't worry about it!"
- Choose "Hostages? Has the spell protecting you from outsiders malfunctioned before now?".
- Concentrate on finding the originals and ignore the clones.
- Take out your dagger and attack Arraka.
- Fight the skeletons as a team.
- Try to eliminate the stillwaters directly.
- Volunteer to deliver the news to the kids. [Achievement: Bearer of bad news]
- Tell Enrique about the revenant.
- Agree with Golmyck to take care of his lessathi problem.
- Tell the servant about your stat device.
- Choose cell number 3.
- Stat Check - Toughness Lv2, Barry will be unaffected by Bruce's punching. [Achievement: Come at me, bro!]
- Accept to go inside Leila's cell.
- Refuse the lessathi's offer.
- Lie to the lessathi about accepting the deal and betray them later.
- Open the door.
- Tell Leila about Kate.
- Choose to kill the creatures (requires 2 points in Strength).
- When the rats approach, get up slowly to not scare them away.
- Try riding the griffin. (requires 3 points in Toughness) [Achievement: Griffin rider]
- Choose to follow the blood trail.
- Leave the troll to die.
- Choose "No, let them find their own information. We almost died to get ours."
- Ask Wilhelm if he overheard the guards say anything about the arena event.
- Tell them the creatures' weaknesses.
- Call after Kate.
- Go read the notebook.
- Choose to charge at the creatures all by yourself.
- Stat Check - Speed Lv3, you will kill the desert marauder.
- Stat Check - Premonition Lv1, you will evade the manticore's attack.
- Ask Leila if she can deal with the tramplers, while we deal with the cobras.
- Say that Wilhelm is not a threat.
- Go for a tactical retreat.
- Lie to the mage, in order to convince him to act as a decoy.
- Stat Check - Speed Lv2, you will survive the mage's attack. [Achievement: Tribal dancer]
- Leave the weapons there.
- Accept the duel.
- Aim to kill him.
- Wait for him to make mistakes, then attack him directly. (requires 2 points in Reflexes and 2 points in Combat Technique)
- Kill him.
- Offer to man the guns.
- Choose to attack the dragon. (requires 2 points in Combat Technique)
- Give the stat device to Melindra when she asks for it. You will learn the code to increase Hearing by a few points for a few seconds.
- Choose "Is this the reason why you got banned from the magical plane?"
- Choose "The fox originated from the magical plane? How did she end up here, then?"
- Buy the cheaper crossbow.
- Choose "I'll pass. I really don't like the idea of being vulnerable against suggestion magic."
- Ask Arraka if she can sense any tunnels which are not on the king's map.
- Choose to agree with Daren. This will cause you to move through the tunnel Arraka sensed earlier.
- Choose to attack the first lessathi that gets close to you. You will crack his skull like an egg. (requires 3 points in Strength and 4 points in Toughness) [Achievement: One tough cookie]
- Let her handle it.
- Refuse the king's offer.
- Choose "How did he manage to get imprisoned when he has all these powers?"
- Stat Check - Combat Technique Lv1, you will kill an orc.
- Choose to fight the orcs.
- Stat check - Strength Lv3, witness Chad Barry wielding a tree.
- Choose "Does Tyrath have any teams that are stronger than these elite squads?"
- Choose "Did Fyron ever serve under the dragon, before he joined the free goblins?"
- Tell Melindra that you don't want to sleep with her and tell her to get out of the tent.
- Keep the channel open your side.
- Refuse Nolderan's offer.
- Use the dagger to fight the orcs. (requires 1 point in Reflexes)
- Try to attack the wyverns. (requires 1 point in Strength)
- Attack the eyes. (requires 4 points in Strength)
- Stat check - Hearing Lv2, Barry finds the lack of any sound to be surprising.
- Choose to attack the sage. (requires 4 points in Strength and 4 points in Toughness)
- Try to use the sage's own techniques against him. (requires 4 points in Combat Technique) [Achievement: Demolition man]
- Activate the secret code.
- Wait for the banshee to attack Barry's parents, before going in for the kill.
- Choose "Why is Ulruk so suspicious, when it comes to the God of Time?"
- Stat Check - Hearing Lv7, Barry will detect some faint echoes, gaining some info about the next trial.
- Ask Melindra for Cutthroat Dave's items. You will get to keep his elixir of invisibility.
- Choose to attack past-Arraka with your dagger. [Achievement: Madman]
- Choose "I'd rather wait until we meet up with Leila's father, so he can have a look."
- Say that the password is 'a drunk orangutan wearing a party hat.'
- Choose to smash through the gates.
- Ignore the goblins.
- Try to punch one of the golems in the face. (requires 4 points in Strength and 4 points in Toughness) [Achievement: Metal golem slayer]
- Stab the flying metal ball in the eye.
- Ask Daren to make a barrier first.
- Stat Check - Reflexes Lv3, you will survive the drone attack.
- Stat Check - Hearing Lv3, you will overhear the Royal Guard Captain and Gontrok talking.
- Go all out. (requires 4 points in Speed, 4 points in Toughness, 4 points in Strength, 4 points in Reflexes and 4 points in Combat Technique) [Achievement: Time to get serious]
- Stay silent.
- Choose "Wait, that's not why I followed you here!"
- Say that you are curious how a goblin ended up in a human city.
- Tell Leila that Kate and you are just friends.
- When you get attacked in the alley, only incapacitate the attackers and do not kill anyone.
- Fly towards Leila and carry her back to the group.
- Convince Illuna to wake up Flower.
- Do not cut the chains.
- Choose to find the control room.
- Agree to take the secret passage.
- Stop Kate from killing Billy Bob.
- Stat Check - Premonition Lv3, you will safely cross the trap.
- Tell Kate that you have a reason for what you did.
- Choose "Sounds like a plan!" [Achievement: A hidden alliance]
- Tell the king that you'll tell him for a price and confirm that the information from the Overseer has become irrelevant. [Achievement: Opportunist]
- Ask Flower if you can draw a fake moustache on Arraka's amulet and she won't notice. [Achievement: Challenge accepted]
- Try to listen very carefully, in order to hear Albert's footsteps. (requires 4 points in Hearing and the secret code) [Achievement: I can hear footsteps]
- Ask the king of the underground why he became a royal guard.
- Ask Arraka if the other mages in the team could learn aura manipulation as well.
- Stat Check - Aura Concealment Lv3, you will decently suppress your aura.
- Choose to go to the secret shop.
- Tell the shopkeeper that you have already given him the password. (requires 4 points in Bluff) [Achievement: A natural liar]
- Choose to tie up the Royal Guard named Loyrang. This will make him unavailable for the coming fight.
- Choose to go a little further down the road and try calling again from there.
- Choose to take care of the air elementalist.
- Stat check - Observation Lv3 and Reflexes Lv3, you'll identify the traps and evade the air elementalist's attacks.
- Stat Check - Ancient Languages Lv2, you'll understand that the royal guards are creating an illusion.
- Keep the ice dome as a last alternative.
- Stat Check - Toughness Lv4, you'll survive after the boulders hit your head.
- Stat check - Premonition Lv2, you see a vision of Kelrim casting the nausea spell leading to his death. Tell Kelrim to not cast the nausea spell. [Achievement: Guardian angel]
- Leave the ambassador alone.
- Agree to take the next night shift with Leila.
- Try to see if you can hear anything from the tunnel leading to the teleporter room. (requires 4 points in Hearing) [Achievement: Do you hear an echo?]
- Let Leila handle her headache by herself and go follow her.
- Convince Gontrok that your weapons are as sharp as Daren's sword (requires 3 points in Bluff)
- Leave the door open.
- Ask the king where Leila's father is.
- Tell the Overseer that he should kill the king himself.
- Grab Leila's hand.
- Stat Check - Premonition Lv4, you will detect the Overseer.
- Tell Arraka that you detected the Overseer using your magical sense. (requires 4 points in Bluff)
- Choose Kelrim to be the king candidate.
- Agree with the Overseer's plan of setting an ambush for the king of the underground.
- Tell Leila that her voice sounds wonderful.
- Hold her hand and reassure her that you're not going anywhere.
- Choose "I got it. Just the two of us, then. It's a promise." [Achievement: A heartfelt promise]
- Tell the king that you were contacted by the Overseer but refused to join his side. (requires 3 points in Bluff)
- Stat Check - Premonition Lv4, you will save Kate from Albert's attack.
- Don't breathe.
- Teleport to Peter.
- Ask Flower to teleport closer to the king and Peter.
- Wait for Peter to finish casting the spell.
- Begin by copying Brinhorn's spells, but switch to different spells later.
- Don't let Peter's taunts get to you and wait for him to make his move.
- Attack Peter while he's still distracted.
- Stat Check - Toughness Lv4, you will survive the king's attack.
- Spare their lives.
- Keep your eyes closed.
- Accept to spin Arraka's amulet.
- Choose "Hey, that's not a bad idea. I've actually been meaning to ask about this too!"
- Tell Kate the truth about what's happening to you.
- Ask Flower to check the whole surface of the cube, in case there are more shadows.
- Stat check - Observation Lv2, you will stop Melindra from pulling the lever.
- Offer Leila a biscuit.
- Tell Leila that there's no need to apologize because she didn't do anything inappropriate.
- Choose "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just concentrate on the God of Time."
- Choose "I think he will be a great leader."
- Try to reason with the revenant. [Achievement: Let's be reasonable!]
- Don't tell Meridith anything about the crystals.
- Back away from the Magium node.
- Choose "We should probably avoid mentioning any of this to Meridith, for now."
- Say that you got the option on the screen while fighting some skeleton stillwaters.
- Say that Hadrik probably avoided that tunnel.
- Stat Check - Hearing Lv2, you'll hear Hadrik talking.
- Tell the others where Hadrik went.
- Tell Meridith about the Overseer's core.
- Choose "You know...the Magium is great and all, but I could also use some extra money."
- Don't press the red button.
Points received = 4
Tell Hadrik that him standing in place would make it harder for me to aim at him. (requires 4 points in Bluff)
[Achievement: Preparing for the big battle]
- Go talk to Kate
- Insist on going to scout the mages.
- Stat check - Observation Lv3, you will notice the illusionist burying something. You will be able to recover it later and turn it into a magic amplifier.
- Tell Kate to attack them.
- Try to find a way to defeat Eiden before he unleashes his full power.
- Attack Eiden together with Flower and Illuna.
- Tell Eiden that there is a drunken flying orangutan wearing a party hat behind him. (requires 4 points in Bluff)
[Achievement: Serial liar]
Stay silent.
coolman thanks